Echoes of Foucault, 40 Years After
On June 25 it has been 40 years that Michel Foucault passed away. For this occasion there are events around the world this year, collected in the World Congress Foucault 40 years after.

The Foucault Circle NL/BE will organize an event on exactely June 25 in Amsterdam. See the announcement and call for abstracts (down here and on Word Congress/Amsterdam).
Echoes of Foucault, forty years after
The Foucault Circle NL/BE is organizing a conference about interdisciplinary uses of Foucault’s work, with a focus on themes which Foucault did not think much about himself, but we do: decolonization, gender, climate change, etc.
University of Amsterdam: Amsterdam Roeterseilandcampus
Few philosophers have been such prolific thinkers as Michel Foucault. His general theme of practices concerning ‘the subject’ led him to explore a wide range of different topics. His investigation into the subject took him from analyses of the human sciences, to dividing practices that categorize subjects as normal or abnormal, and eventually to the modes in which we change ourselves into subjects. Foucault’s work always supported emancipation of marginalized groups. Yet, many commentators have argued that, despite his prolificity, Foucault has left some surprising lacunae in his analyses. For example, in his work, he appears to have had little attention for feminist movements, decolonization, and climate change. The Echoes of Foucault conference aims to critically celebrate Foucault’s thought forty years after his death, by focussing on these lacunae. How is his work helpful for researchers today, across different disciplines? We will ask whether and how it might be possible to think with Foucault about these kinds of topics. With a wink, we say: Woke Foucault!
We invite young scholars to apply, by sending an abstract (400 words) to by May 1st. We welcome both work-in-progress, as well as more finished papers. The topics should be fit for a 20 minute presentation. We especially encourage students and (junior) scholars from underrepresented backgrounds to apply.
More information to be announced.
On behalf of the équipe Foucault Circle NL/BE:
Steven Dorrestijn / Michiel Leezenberg / Guilel Treiber / Liza Steultjens / Berend van Wijk / Casper Verstegen